Sunday, February 12


this weekend was...

...a blustery Friday night dinner at the food trailer park
...starting a second round of antibiotics for this persistent ear infection
...a drive to Starbucks and back, listening to Arcade Fire, Tori Amos, Adele & Death Cab to get baby to nap (he didn't, but the cinnamon dolce latte and music did calm mama's nerves)
...good ol'chicken and rice soup, just like when I was little, and brownies
...a really good night of sleep

...coldest day of the year yet, errant snowflakes and sleet in Central Texas
...sad to hear of the passing of a pop icon, but did jump at the chance to introduce my son to her music during an impromptu Sunday morning dance party
...a solo outing to the coffeeshop to scribble in my journal
...a thorough cleaning of the bathroom and changing table
...Words with Friends with the hubby
...gearing up for Downton Abbey, knitting, tea & more brownies

what about you?

1 comment:

  1. fun. i was so g;ad for the cooler weather, a chance to pretend winter did really come ;-)


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