Monday, May 20

Welcome to the world, baby boy!

Noah Cash Priest. (We call him Cash.) 
Born Tuesday May 14th at 1:16am, 7lbs 7oz, 19.5in long.

Our little birdie. Our sweet chicken.

It was a far cry from the birth outcome I had so wished for. But over the many months of my pregnancy, I had done a lot of internal processing, and had come to the conclusion that what I wanted above all was a birth experience that left me feeling empowered, and connected to my baby, my body, and my breath. And that, I did get. After Cash's birth I feel strong, beautiful, wise. I feel like a badass, actually.

Our little boy is all sweetness and light, a champion eater, a chilled out little dude. We are settling surprisingly well into life as a family of four. (With lots of support and help.) We are so happy and so blessed.

More soon, I hope. 


  1. warmest congrats to you wonderful mama, and cuddles and blessings for your little boy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. found you via your comment at habit of being about tater tots and sonic milkshakes~ I thought it was a good comment ;) but I've been here before, I know. CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your little man! all the best~

    ps- the above deleted post was the same as this, accidentally made under my husband's google account~
    cheers from nc!


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