Saturday, May 12

peaks & valleys

:: valleys ::

-counting down the days until the end of mother's day out for the schoolyear, only 3 left, wondering how i'll
  get work done this summer

-wasting an entire morning to fiery rage over a customer service issue (it all got resolved in the end)

-completely losing my cool, then being flooded with guilt & shame

-intense pain on my little boy's face while getting his shots (he's such a brave little trooper, though)

-being up in the middle of the night with a screaming toddler after sleeping through the night for over a week

:: peaks ::

-discovering an article that explains why i am the way i am. and tells me it's okay. (via liz & andrea)

-cool weather and several days of thorough soaking, a boon and a blessing this late into the texas spring

-clearing space, organizing, beautifying in my studio

-finding inspiration, affirmation, motivation, and friendship online (and excited about what's coming!)

-friday night drinks with my best gals to celebrate what kick-ass friends & mothers we are

:: linking up with ink + chai, inspired by amanda ::

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